Novonetics Ltd. together with its partners:
has implemented the following projects:
Complete technological line, for drying, baling and granulation of alfalfa
A complete technological line for the production of fuel pellets from cellulose
A complete technological line for the production of fuel pellets from cellulose
- ORPHEUS pellets „VIZOR“ OOD.
A complete technological line for the production of fuel pellets from cellulose
A complete technological line for the production of fuel pellets from cellulose
- Demet Pellets - "DEMET" EOOD.
Complete technological line, for granulation of sunflower meal and sunflower flake
Complete technological line, for granulation of sunflower meal and sunflower flake
Complete technological line, for granulation of sunflower meal and sunflower flake
- factory "SLUNCHEVI LACHI" Provadia.
Complete technological line, for granulation of sunflower flake
Complete technological line, for granulation of combined feed
- Градус 3.
Complete technological line, for granulation of combined feed
Pellet mills
- Фуражен Завод Васил Костов,
and others.